Our exterior furniture lifts help to move furniture and large items from our vehicles to your new apartment or from your apartment to one of our vehicles, with our exterior lifts, we save handling large delicate items up or down narrow staircases.

Our removal company has exterior lifts capable of lifting 400 Kgs up to 33 meters high (approx. 11 floors) if you require we can also rent our exterior lift with our expert operator per hour.

Our exterior lifts stand out for the speed and safety which we can move your furniture and effects.

MT Removals offers storage in 7cbm wooden storage containers, our modern fleet of vehicles can transport these containers from your residence to our warehouse, reducing the handling of your effects and greatly reducing the risks of loss or damage.

MT removals team of professionals will pack your effects, make out a detailed inventory and carefully load your effects in to our storage containers for transporting to our warehouse for storage, and when required transport the same containers to your new house.

Our storage containers also reduce in costs, due to reduced man hours handling your furniture and effects in and out of storage.


MT removals storage warehouse in Marbella is designed especially for furniture storage, with 24 hour video surveillance and state of the art alarm systems.

Storage in individual containers


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